Anime Convention Afterglow and Hangover… From the Mind of a 30-Something

First off: “permanent” marker is A LIE. It does not stay on my chocolaty-ness. And that is needed when you are cosplaying someone with snakes all up and down their arms!

This year marks my second convention that I actually attend and not live vicariously through my younger sister. My first convention was in Korea. I of course was the only brown crayon person there. I got a lot of people asking to take photos (I think because of the fact of my brown-ness). My cosplay wasn’t that glamorous since I borrowed from a friend. But I had so much fun! Posing for pictures even when it was freezing outside.

And now, I can say that I’ve cosplayed in the USA. Wow. First off, I really feel like a true cosplayer after last-minute having to create a costume that should have been finished. What had happened was… My costume was too tight. I had ordered online a large, because I know I’m curvier than a stick figured woman. BUT, with my change in working out (evil back with a mind of its own) I’ve acquired more junk in the trunk, and of course the toddlers for thighs. So, when I tried on the Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater) jumper two nights before the event, my butt said “ahahaha. NO.” What to do? Run to the store the next day after work to grab a black hoodie and work out capris. Take the white snake eyes and tail off the costume I bought, and sew them onto the hoodie. Cut the sleeves off. Paint nails black. Use nametags colored yellow and cut into arrows for my nail vector snake thingies. Add water and stir. Instant costume! Yay!

It was my son’s first convention also, and boy did it make him LOVE me! Lol. See, I’d said years ago he was allowed to go to conventions when he was living with my mom, but she never allowed him to go with my sister and brother. Probably scared that they wouldn’t really take care of him. So, I got to show the Monster Teen the joys myself. I paid for a very detailed and well done Assassin’s Creed costume. My reasoning for shelling out the big bucks was that he could reuse the costume for more conventions and renn faires. Then I convinced a friend that had accidentally bought two hidden blades to let me buy one  from him for the Monster Teen to use.

Dear Lord, at times it seemed we were stopped every second for the MT to have his photo taken! He was a very good young Ezio, and played his character very well. I think I’ve created a monster, Monster Teen. He even ended up in two Harlem Shake YouTube videos, one with about 5-10 Assassin Creed cosplayers.

My worries about being looked down on for playing a peachier character with my brown crayon skin seemed mostly unfounded. I do feel like a couple of people dressed as a character from the same anime seemed to try to ignore me on purpose when I waved/tried to get their attention. Which is just rude. But I’ve decided that I refuse to not play a character just because of the color of my skin. My sister hasn’t all these years, so why should I? And that would be the worst kind of example to the Monster Teen, when I’m trying to make sure he understands that being a geek, whether its comics, anime, video games, books, etc, is a thing to be proud of.

Anyway, the convention was awesome, and I can’t wait until the next one. The only thing… I really felt my age the next day, not waking until the late evening. Convention Hangover. May have to make sure I pack some energy drinks for next time!

medusa artwork

Cosplay Should Not Be About Color

My little sister has cosplayed for years… I think she started around 12. I myself only went dressed up to a convention a for the first time about a year ago. I loved it, and have been preparing for my next chance to go (3 costumes all ready to go!). Of course, the last time I went I was in another country, so yes I was one of the few Americans, and definitely the only brown crayon comrade out there. But this time I’m going in the states. And then my sister (who is the cosplay champ in my eyes) sent me this link called “I’M A BLACK FEMALE COSPLAYER AND SOME PEOPLE HATE IT.” People upset at a black woman who loves cosplay because she’s not the “right” skin tone? I could have sworn all those characters were Japanese O_o. It made me realize that when my son and I go to our first cosplay convention in the states, we might not be as accepted as I thought we would be. Will someone actually look at us, and DOWN at us for dressing as a character that doesn’t match our skin tone??? Even though I’ve never received any racism towards me, I shouldn’t have to even worry about it! My family, from my parents, siblings, and son are proud geeks, and should be able to wave our geek flag like anyone else. No one should be judged as they experience their hobby to the fullest.

Except for Furries. I’m sorry. You guys scare me. Sorry for my geek prejudice (geekjudice?)  Okay, I’ll go hide in a corner now.